Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Evening Update

I may go in to see her once the younger kids are sleeping...

Her temp is up to 99 degrees- that is wonderful since it was 97.5 earlier! They are still giving her fluids- they seem to be helping.

She just vomitted a decent amount of food. As horrible as that sounds, that too may be a good thing because she may have just moved that lodged food off of her lungs, at least some of it.

The surgeon who did her PRAA surgery is going to insert the feeding tube in the morning. There was a reason given for this, but heck if I can remember it now.

Just to make sure everyone understands- the staff at this hospital has been wonderful. The surgeon did a kickbutt job at fixing her PRAA and she did survive the surgery and the initial recovery. I DO question them feeding her the wrong food last night- mistakes do happen, but they shouldn't happen at this level of hospitalization.

Will keep you posted!


  1. Thanks so much for the update, we send you and your sweet Neala purrs and prayers plus our love for you all.

  2. Thanks for the update - we have been so worried and are glad to hear tht her temp is back up. And it does sound good that she vomited a bunch of that food that was sitting there. We are upset about the food mixup but it sounds like everyone else has done a good job of taking care of her - we just want them to keep that up. And the feeding tube does make sense to us because that will help her throat to heal up a bit while still makeing sure she gets enough food. We will keep purring and praying for her - and we are sending her lots and lots of virtual hugs and snuggles, and comforting purrs and prayers for you too - we wish we could take some of the worry away but we know that won't happen but know we are out here supporting you!

  3. Thank God, this is great news! Now the hope is renewed, and we will continue to pray and purr hard for her to get all better and go home with mommy soon!
    Happy Cat Family

  4. Good news. My kitties are sending so many loud purrs and purrayers for sweet Neala.
    Love to all,

  5. Just had to stop by and see if sweet baby Neala was doing better. Thank you for keeping uSSSSS updated!

    Much love and many healing purrs and prayers from our home to sweet Neala!

  6. I'm sending Neala lots of purrs - it sounds like she needs a lot of help and support right now!

    Even the best pet hospitals sometimes have communication snafus between the vet and the techs. I know this because my human's boyfriend works at a high-end vet clinic that has a good reputation, but she won't take me there because she does not trust some of the staff! Everything I have read so far shows that you are right to trust your instincts.

  7. Sending positive thoughts and our strongest healing energy. We hope Neala has a good night and continues to do better.

  8. We continue to purr for Neala and hope she continues to improve.

  9. We are purring and purraying so hard for sweet Neala. We hope she continues to improve and feels better and better!

  10. We'll keep checking back for news. We're purring really loud and hard and Mom is praying for Neala.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
